At Sofia Encinas we have two primary company goals that all of our decisions are based upon! We would like to share them with you!
1) We make all our products using recycled and up-cycled materials. Generating as little garbage and waste as possible. Trying to use things that are already in existence, things that have been donated, that no one wants any more instead of buying fabric and making our products out of new cloth! In doing this, we are supporting the environment, making less trash/garbage for our landfills and overall being environmentally conscious with our material, processing, packaging and shipping.
- We offer discounts for those that buy more than one product at the same time in order to save on shipping costs and expenses
- We use boxes from any place we can find them instead of purchasing new boxes
- The tags on our products are made out of recycled paper and stuck on with a safety pin that can then be reused by the consumer.
2) All profits from Sofia Encinas is donated to an organization in need primarily in the US or Mexico. We only keep what is absolutely necessary to keep the business up and running. Since most of the material we get is through donations, we keep our costs very low in order to help as much as possible. When the company was founded, one of the motivating factors was to help women in a very small town in Mexico find financial independence by giving them jobs doing something that they enjoy. Crocheting. Since then, we have decided to further our helping hand by donating our profits to different foundations and organizations both in the US and Mexico. Owner Sofia Encinas once said in an interview “When I was living in Mexico, I used to donate to Africa and Central America, but when I moved to the US I realized I didn’t necessarily have to send my donations so far away, and that’s why I started donating to more local projects where I could really see the results.”
- Apadrina un Niño — In December 2014 we sponsored the Christmas celebration for 9 children. Each sponsorship provides the child with a new change of clothes, new shoes and a new toy. Currently we are saving up to help give 120 children in Ciudad Obregón, Sonora Mexico a good start to the school year by providing them with backpacks!! Backpacks are the most expensive part of their school kits, so with this donation, we are hoping to make it easier for Apadrina un Niño to provide them with school supplies. See Below for Information about the Organization.
- If something gets donated to us in good condition, we do not re-purpose it. We collect the still usable items in good condition in order to donate them to people that need them within the US and Mexico (where much of our inspiration comes from). Recently we delivered 100lbs of clothes to Toluca, Mexico for it to be distributed to different low income senior centers and retirement homes.
- For the winter, I am about 3 other volunteers are going to be taking scraps of leftover materials and making patchwork quilts and comforters to be donated to families in need! More information soon!
*We have more projects in the works and will be updating this list as we come across more organizations to help and more great projects. Below, you will be able to see information specific to each organization that we support. If you would like to donate to any of them, please contact us or feel free to contact them directly. Their contact information is below!
Apadrina un Niño
Apadrina un Niño or Sponsor a Child is an organization that started about 10 years ago between a few friends. They used to collect money and toys from their friends and family in order to help different orphanages in the city of Ciudad Obregón, Sonora in Mexico. Since then they have grown to be able to support 4 different foster homes/orphanages in the city and up to 600 children. They currently do not have a facility of their own, but go to the different foster homes to have christmas celebrations, give toys, blankets, school supplies, backpacks and much more. This organization functions without the help of government or political affiliations and is based 100% upon donations. People can either send physical donations or cash donations and the money will be used to purchase the products needed in the campaign.
If you would like to contact Apadrina un Niño please contact Laura Karonny Valdez Madero. Her number in Mexico is 6449989149 and her email is You can find more pictures and information in their Facebook page by clicking here. Their current campaign is to collect at least 400 backpacks and school supplies sets before the end of the summer.