How to Make Your Own Thread Out Of T-Shirts (Part 2)

I already showed you how to make thread out of t-shirts when they have a side seam… Here is an alternative way, with NO SEWING and NO LINKING needed!  :)

For instructions on how to make thread from a t-shirt with seams click here!

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T-shirt WITHOUT side seam
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Step 1: Remove the bottom hem of the t-shirt, simply cut it off because it will be too think and won’t stretch in the same way as the rest of the shirt.
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Step 2: Start from the bottom and cut the t-shirt in about 1cm wide strips.  Don’t stop cutting. Keep going around and around spiraling up the body of the shirt.  You will end up making one single strip that goes all the way up the body of the shirt.
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Step 3: Lightly pull the strip so it stretches and begins to curl.  You can do this as you go, or when the whole strip has been cut.
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Step 4:  The last step is to roll the long strip into a ball so it doesn’t get tangled and you are ready to knit or crochet … ready to create whatever it is that you want!
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  Please feel free to share suggestions, thoughts, comments or questions in the comments below!  I would love to hear from you!



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